Sensor Fusion (TSRT14)

Exam Information

The 4 hour exam is in written form and has 4 questions (with sub-questions) giving a total score of at most 40 points.

Preliminary grades:

Score Grade
0-14 Fail
15-22 3
23-29 4
30-40 5

Allowed Tools

The following tools are allowed at the exam;

  1. The course book: Statistical Sensor Fusion by F. Gustafsson

Normal study notes in the books are allowed; however, not excessive writing or complete solved problems.

Furthermore, the following is available in digital form during the exam:

  1. Lecture slides; available from /courses/TSRT14/
  2. Signal and Systems toolbox manual; available from /courses/TSRT14/


In the exam, you are expected to use Matlab to solve some of the problems. Prepare yourself for this by familiarizing yourself with the computer system provided in ISY’s computer labs. This will help you avoid wasting time making easy mistakes, as a result of not being familiar with the computer setup.

At the exam in the Sensor Fusion course, the first and foremost advice is to read through all exercises and prioritize the questions before getting started.

The following advice help you present your solutions in a way that maximizes your score, as it makes it easier to see that you know what you are doing:

Old Exams

Date Material
2024-01-02 exam (pdf), sol (pdf), data (mat)
2023-08-16 exam (pdf), sol (pdf), data (mat)
2023-06-01 exam (pdf), sol (pdf), data (mat)
2022-10-20 exam (pdf), sol (pdf), data (mat)
2022-08-17 exam (pdf), sol (pdf), data (mat)
2022-06-02 exam (pdf), sol (pdf), data (mat)