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TSBB06 Multidimensional Signal Analysis
Computer Exercises
The course contains six mandatory computer exercises, which are altogether worth 3 credits. All computer exercises have to be passed in order to get these credits. It is not necessary to register for the exercises, they should be done at the times allocated in the schedule. If you cannot make it to a computer exercise, or if you cannot finish it in time, you may present your work on the next computer exercise instead. Note, however, that we will give much higher priority to the current computer exercise, so make sure to finish that before attempting to catch up with older work.
The computer exercises are done in groups of no more than two students (unless the computer resources puts a limit, and only after decision by the teachers).
Some computer exercises (currently A and E) will be done in Jupyter Notebook, using Python. They consists of two notebooks: one for the preparatory questions, and one for the actual computer exercise. In Lisam, there will be a submission for each of them — you should submit your answers to the preparatory questions there. These are autmatically graded once per day.
To get access to Jupyter Notebook in the LiU computer rooms, you need to first load the course module, which can be done with the command module load courses/TSBB06. Once the course module has been loaded, you can start Jupyter Notebook, using the command jupyter notebook.
Some computer exercises (currently B, C, D and F) will be done in Matlab, a software tool for mathematical computations. If you have no previous experience with Matlab, you may want to check out the introductory Matlab course given by the Communication Systems group.
Notebooks and instructions for the computer exercises are found in the plan for HT1 and in the plan for HT2.