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TSBB06 Multidimensional Signal Analysis

Teaching Plan HT1

Lecture Lesson Computer Exercise Content Related Material
1A Homogeneous representations in 2D IREG chapters 3 and Toolbox sections 3.7.3 and 7.1, and browse through IREG chapters 1 and 2, and Part I of the Toolbox.
Videos: Projective Spaces and The cross product operator
1B Transformations in 2D IREG chapter 4.
Video: Groups-1-Intro and Groups-2-Example.
1C Homogeneous representations in 3D IREG chapters 5–6.
1 Homogeneous representations Problems on exercise sheet 1 (answers). (You may also consider sections 1–5 in the old exercises, with answers.)
1D Least-squares, SVD, intro to estimation Toolbox sections 3.4.2 and 8.2, and IREG chapter 12
Video: Singular value decomposition.
1E The pinhole camera, Kronecker product & vectorisation IREG chapter 8.
Video: the pinhole camera from Kahn Acedemy.
Videos (extra): The Kronecker product and Vectorisation.
1F Homographies, DLT, stereo geometry and epipolar geometry IREG chapters 7, 9 and 13
(IREG) Chapter 8 (except 8.5) and sections 10.1–10.2
(HZ) Sections 9.1–9.2 + 11.2 + 12.1–12.2
C. Loop and Z. Zhang, Computing Rectifying Homographies for Stereo Vision, In Proceedings of CVPR 1999 (accessible from LiU IP-addresses).
Video: The fundamental matrix (annotated).
2 Homogeneous representations, estimation Problems on exercise sheet 2 (answers). You may also consider sections 6–9 in the old exercises, with answers.)
1G Cancelled
A Estimation in practice (Lab Notebook) Mandatory preparations in Lisam
1H Triangulation
Estimation of rigid transformations
IREG sections 10.4, 16.1 and 15.1
B Stereo geometry
3 Stereo Geometry and Triangulation Problems on exercise sheet 3 (answers). Sections 23–25 in the exercises (answers).