TSTE26 Powergrid and Technology for Renewable Production, 6hp

The course will give knowledge in applications of power electronics, how a power converter operates in a system for energy production as well as the control of the powergrid. Focus is on renewable energy production and its connection and control in a powergrid. The course has three main blocks:

  1. Technology for energy production based on pv, wind and hydro sources: Includes the properties of pv-cells and how a pv-system is controlled to obtain high efficiency and economy of energy production. Wind power system is described to give basic understanding of different turbine and generator types, including the mechanical and electrical control systems. Difference between sea- and land based wind power systems. Basics for wave, tidal and dam based hydro power systems.
  2. The properties of the powergrid related to stability and availability: Handles the power balance between generation and consumption is studied, emphasizing the functions for voltage and frequency control. Needs for energy storage related to day- and seasonal variations in production and consumption.
  3. Power converter functionality for connection of renewable energy production and control of the powergrid: Principles for connection of energy storage or supply of isolated loads are presented.

Preliminary lectures:

Lecture Content
Le 1
Introduction, PV-theory
Solar radiation, PV-cell, PVtechnology
Le 2
PV grid connection
PV-string configuration, shading MPPT, Load conditions
Le 3
Electric power systems
Power circuit theory, pu-system, transmission lines
Le 4
Power system voltage stability
Load-flow calculation, maximum power curve, voltage collapse, FACTS
Le 5
Wind properties, CP-curve, power regulation
Le 6
WT grid connection
Induction machine, Variable speed, Type 1-4 WTG, Grid codes
Le 7
Converter control
Le 8
Transient stability, frequency control
Le 9
Battery systems


The course includes three labs that are a combination of hardware and simulations.


Examiner and lecturer: Christofer Sundström, (christofer.sundstrom@liu.se or phone 013-281315)