Exjobb i Datorseende
Denna sida listar exjobb med företag som förslagsställare. Om du istället vill göra ett examensarbete med forskningsanknytning så hittar du sådana förslag här: CVL Master's thesis proposal repository.
Information om exjobbsprocessen finns på CVLs huvudsida om examensarbeten.
Externa exjobbsförslag
- [2024-10-09] Flexiflow: Toxin and Pesticide Free Weed Control using Drones
- [2023-11-29] PandionAI: Automation of AI model hyperparameter tuning and feature extraction applied to Earth observation
- [2023-11-29] PandionAI: Implementation of cybersecurity-aware satellite signals applied to Earth observation
- [2023-11-29] PandionAI: Enhancing geospatial decision support in EO-based satellite constellations through alertsat portal
- [2023-10-20] Zenseact: Multiple master theses related to Autonomous Driving, Deep Learning, and Computer Vision.
- [2023-10-20] Irisity: Reducing annotation efforts using transformer-based models on video data
- [2023-10-13] Maxar: Multiple computer vision master theses proposals related to 3D reconstruction, registration, semantic segmentation, and visualization
- [2023-09-26] RISE: Damage detection in used clothes
- [2023-09-26] RISE: Generative AI models for fashion
- You may also want to check the list of earlier
If you find something of interest there they may have something similar this year.
Andra externa projekt finns här: LiU exjobbsportal.