Grades for TSBB15

This is a summary of the requirements for passing the course and for getting higher grades.

To pass the course

In order to pass the course, you are required to:

If these requirements are met, the student is awarded at least grade 3 in the 4-leveled LiU grading system.

Course grade

If the course is passed (see previous section) the student will also be given a grade. The grade is determined by the written examination. Previous years (before 2020) the projects were also graded, but this is no longer the case.

ECTS grades

The course gives a primary grade in the standard 4-leveled LiU grading system: fail, 3, 4, or 5. If a student wants an ECTS grade, the primary grade is translated to an ECTS grade according to the standard procedure described in document Dnr LiU-2008/00639 which can be found here (only in Swedish…).