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Reading Group in Computer and Robot Vision

The purpose of this reading group is to provide an overview of the rapidly evolving computer vision literature. We meet once a week to discuss an article that all participants should read before the seminar.

All participants are welcome to suggest, and present articles of their choosing. The theme for articles should be computer and robot vision, with emphasis on new, high-impact conference papers (e.g. from ICCV, CVPR, RSS, or ECCV). To make best use of time, you may consider choosing an article that relates to your work, that you presumably would read anyway. If the article is well written that is also a plus.

You have the option to attend the seminars as part of a PhD course. You will get one 1hp for each time you present a paper, and participate in another three seminars. If you want to go for the PhD course option, let me know in advance by sending me an email with your personal number, so I can register your attendance.

Upcoming articles

Paper log spring 2024

Old paper logs

See also the full list of PhD courses at the division.