Up to three PhD students in Remote Sensing

The research will be focused on machine learning for remote sensing. Specifically, we will develop machine learning methods and big data solutions to extract geographical insights from Earth observation data to address the ever-evolving dynamics of climate change. The project will make use of multimodal remote sensing data and improve the synergies among diverse data sources in Earth observation.

source credit: Wikipedia

The Division for Computer Vision (CVL) at Linköping University (one of the leading AI institutions in Sweden) is a vibrant research environment with five faculty members, five researchers, thirteen PhD students, and several affiliated researchers. CVL conducts research and education in machine learning for computer vision at the undergraduate, advanced, and PhD levels. CVL has been identified as outstanding Swedish research environment within AI in Vinnova’s latest report. For further details, see https://liu.se/organisation/liu/isy/cvl.

Researchers and academic staff at Swedish universities retain the rights to their own research results, even when these are patentable. This system is known as the “teachers’ exemption” (Lärarundantaget) and differs from the system at universities in other countries.

Application page: https://liu.se/en/work-at-liu/vacancies/23398

Note: Do not apply over email! We can only consider applications made through the above link.

Deadline: Your application must be submitted through the application system no later than January 31, 2024 (Central European Time).