TSBB06 Multidimensional Signal Analysis

General Information

The course comprises 6 credits, equivalent to about 4 × 40h = 160h. This time is divided into the following acitivites:

The course spans both study periods HT1 + HT2, and all scheduled activities can be viewed in TimeEdit.

General information, syllabus, and information about examination for the course can be found in Studieinfo.


To receive emails about the course and to have your results entered into Ladok you must be registered on the course. If you intend to take the course but have not yet registered, make sure to do it promptly through the Student Portal.


Mårten Wadenbäck Pavlo Melnyk Johannes Hägerlind
Lectures, lessons,
computer exercises,
Computer exercises Computer exercises

Mårten has his office in building B, corridor D, ground floor, between entrances 25 and 27 (see map).


Computer Exercises

Teaching Plan HT1

Teaching Plan HT2

Old Exams